Love does not Envy

Scripture Reading - 1 Corinthians 13:4 English Majority Text Version (EMTV)

Love is patient, love is kind; love does not envy; . . .

In a previous teaching we (ihlcc) spoke about “Love being Longsuffering”. In that teaching we discussed how all Christians need to be able to suffer the wrongs/immaturity and evilness of other people. We mentioned that God is longsuffering toward men, thus we must go and do likewise. In that teaching we pointed out that believers should be “kind” and patient while they are in the midst of their challenge to truly be considered longsuffering according to God’s Word. In today’s lesson we will speak a little about the subject of “envy”. The general definition of “envy” is when a person desires the possession of another. This state of being “envious” could be regarding material things, a title or position it could even include another person’s spouse or girlfriend. It’s one thing to desire something better but when that desire spoils into “envy” it pushes two ungodly agendas 1) to get the coveted possession and 2) to take it away from the previous owner. It is for this reason that “envy” is commonly referred to as evil, for sure it is a work of the devil. Our Father God gives generously because He has all and can give all. The only time we even consider the Lord taking from one person to give to another is when the original steward becomes unjust.-Refer to Matthew 25:24-28 The Believer has no godly (Heavenly) reason to be “envious” because once you have it all in Jesus Christ nothing else can take His place. We are complete In Him (Christ Jesus) according to Colossians 2:10 Our Loving Heavenly Father gave us His Precious Son Jesus and if that wasn’t enough He also gave us His Awesome Holy Spirit. Is there anything in Heaven or upon the earth that can even come close to comparison with God’s great gifts freely given unto men. We notice that God gave them freely so one could boast of great deeds or great (extravagant) sacrifices. We (ihlcc) believe the Lord is very gracious and it is not His Will for anyone to parish because God is all about life and giving His Life to all. The will of God is for all men, women and children to live life abundantly while on earth and experience the fullness of Heaven’s glorious Life when you leave this earth. Therefore since our Heavenly Father already made provision for us (Christians and all mankind) down here on earth it is ridiculous for anyone to think for one second that certain people should be stripped of their blessing from God solely because someone wants that exact same blessing. Know you not that the Lord has plenty of provision to feed all the hungry, cloth all the naked and provide shelter for all the homeless. The problem we have on the earth is that men are stingy and selfish and have no compassion to freely help others. Satan is a cruel taker while God is Thee Gracious Giver. Evil men follow Satan’s will to make this world (earth) a cruel and bitter place to live. We see this with the rich man and Lazarus in Luke 16:19-22 when a rich man with plenty of provision refused to provide for the poor beggar God’s will was not done but rather Satan’s will was wrought unto the physical death of both parties. The issue was not that God had failed to provide but rather the provision for many was being stored up by the few. This is common upon the earth, generally speaking many rich people love money and therefore they have a hard time parting with to help those who are poor (in need). Many rich people feel that if I worked hard to gather much riches and wealth, “Why should I just give it away freely to someone who hasn’t earned it?” This carnal thinking works for all those who are ungodly (worldly) but it will not stand in the light of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Remember it is God that gives us the power to get wealth for His purpose being wrought upon the earth.-Deuteronomy 8:18 Why would God give His all to an undeserving and unthankful people upon the earth? It is because God truly loves us and He (as God) wants to freely give us all good things according to Romans 8:32. The Love of God is a giver so “envy” has no place in Him. Likewise, we (as Christians) should never desire the possessions of another. We must be mature enough to realize that we are all just stewards of the possessions of this earth because one day we will give an account of our stewardship unto God. Knowing that all good and perfect gifts come from God should motive us to be spiritually minded instead of carnal mind. Remember, being spiritually minded brings life and peace as opposed to being carnally mind which bring death and condemnation. The spiritual death that comes from “envy” makes it unattractive to the child of light. Therefore, we (ihlcc) would recommend loving others so much that you rejoice to see them blessed. Yes, we rejoice when they are blessed spiritually, mentally, socially, financially and materially. It is God’s Will to bless all mankind so never practice “envy” in God’s Presence and since He Is Omnipresence never practice “envy” at all. I am sure that God loves us so much that if He even has a hint of what you desire He Is already working on it to give it to you in grand fashion. The key is, “Can we be faithful on earth until all our dreams are fulfilled in Heaven?” We (ihlcc) hope and pray that all Christians will be faithful unto the end because there is “no envy” in Heaven and hopefully “no envy” in the heart of the child of God. Amen!